At the level of the Ministry of Development, Public Works and Administration, six new financing contracts were signed, from the savings identified within the Interreg IPA Romania-Serbia Cross-Border Cooperation Programme, as follows:
- priority axis 1 – 1 project – in the field of social infrastructure,
- priority axis 2 – 3 projects – in the field of environmental protection, waste management and emergency preparedness,
- priority axis 4 – 2 projects – in the field of promotion of tourism and culture values in the eligible area of the program.
The total value of the new financing contracts signed from savings is about 3 million Euros, of which IPA funds 2.5 million Euros.
For the next period, two more projects with a total value of approximately 1 million Euros are in the process of contracting at the level of the Managing Authority and the contracting process for the next projects from the reserve list will continue if additional savings will be identified of the programme’s level.
Within the Interreg-IPA Romania-Serbia Cross-Border Cooperation Programme, 66 projects were contracted, with a total value of 73.96 million Euros representing 98.28% of the programme budget.
In the period 2014-2020, MDPWA implements, as Managing Authority, the Interreg-IPA Cross-Border Cooperation Romania-Serbia Programme, which ensures the financing of cross-border cooperation projects in the Romanian-Serbian border area, with a total budget of 88 million Euros.
Regarding the preparation of the IPA III Cross-Border Cooperation Romania-Serbia Programme for the period 2021-2027, so far, the second version of the Programme document has been developed and the list of strategic importance and large infrastructure projects has been approved. These projects could receive funding under the future programme, making it one of the most advanced Interreg programme in Europe.
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