Join us for the Europe is counting on YOU(TH)!

Dear Youth of Europe,

We believe you are the backbone of every nation, true change-makers, once you are given the proper tools and rights to engage and become leaders of the society.

The EU must encourage youth to step up on the social arena and make their voices heard. This can only be reached by addressing your needs and issues and providing you with the proper means to develop knowledge, skills and competences in order to become active members in the society and agents of change.


Interreg IPA CBC Romania-Serbia Programme is here to support, honour and strengthen youth, especially in the context of the Conference on the Future of Europe, which gives European citizens and especially young people, the opportunity to reflect upon what the future you envision for the European Union.


2022 is The European Year of Youth! We would like to invite you to be a part of our two-day online debates – Europe is counting on YOU(TH)! – on the 12th and 13th of April 2022. The event will take place on the Zoom platform and we have selected four thematic fields of interest, which we know will convince you to get involved:

  1. DAY 1 (12th of April) 11:00 – 13:00 (Romanian hour) – Education and training + Inclusive Societies (including gender issues & anti-discrimination)
  1. DAY 2 (13th of April) 11:00-13:00 (Romanian hour) – Climate change/environment + Health/Mental

We have prepared an interesting agenda and participants list. You will have the opportunity to learn about Interreg and the IPA CBC Romania-Serbia Programme, our objectives, results and plans for the future programming period, in accordance with the selected subjects above. You will meet with representatives of the Programme bodies from both countries, as well as university lecturers and local and regional partners of the Programme.

REGISTER NOW and help us build a better future for Europe’s YOUTH!


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